We believe that the early stages of any learning programme are crucial for all concerned. As a result, the arrangements for Induction on these awards are carefully designed to:
Induction will involve:
Participative, student-centred activities and sharing of experience.
Initial assessment of trainees' Language, Literacy, Numeracy and ICT skills and initial action planning for the course.
Study and information literacy skills.
Information and advice sessions.
Managing the course workload and succeeding with assessment activities.
Induction checklist
This checklist is intended to enable course teams to track that various documents relating to the process of registration and induction have been completed, supporting evidence submitted and initial assessment completed and recorded. It should be complete by the end of the induction period and is an 'at a glance' summary of all trainees in any group.
Initial Individual Development Plan (word 204k)
This first version of an Individual Development Plan should be completed by trainees by the end of induction, and provides a useful summary of each trainee's starting points in all key areas of the programme.
Individual Development Plan (word 205k)
This IDP is used from induction onwards to summarise trainee progress, review priorities, establish action points and priorities and record any discussions on tutorial matters. See tutorial support below
There is an expectation that all trainees will regularly review and update their own progress against against the OfSTED grading criteria, and the Minimum Core of Language, Literacy and ICT. This is a challenging load in addition to other work for assessment, but we have devised four proformas, featured below, which make this task clear and straightforward for all. The self assessment tracking of these areas features as part of Milestone Reviews, carried out three times each year.
Self assessment of Practical Teaching (using OfSTED criteria)
Self assessments for
Literacy and Language
The training experience will include: