All mentors who are supporting trainees on these awards are provided with a Guide to Mentoring
Practical Teaching Assessment Feedback (Generic)
Practical Teaching Assessment Feedback (Specialist Area)
Session plan format (required for 3 plans relating to LL4201.3)
Session plan help
Lesson plan
completed example of above
Scheme of work format (an example of a 'best practice' scheme of work)
Personal Profile (word 206k)
Practical Teaching Arrangements proforma (word 208k)
Practical Teaching Log (word 206k)
Self Evaluation of own teaching
sessions proforma Yr 1
Self Evaluation of own teaching
sessions proforma Yr 2
Self assessment of Practical Teaching
(based on OfSTED criteria)
Crawley, J. (2005) In at the Deep End – A Survival Guide for Teachers in Post Compulsory Education. London: David Fulton Publishing
Cunningham, B. (2005) Mentoring Teachers in Post-Compulsory Education. London: David Fulton Publishers ltd.
FENTO (2001) Mentoring Towards Excellence. London: Learning and Skills Council.
Kerry, T. and Shelton Mayes, A. (eds) (1995) Issues in Mentoring. London: Routledge.
Murray , M. (2001). Beyond the myths and magic of mentoring: how to facilitate an effective mentoring process. San Francisco CA: Jossey-Bass
Wallace, S. & Gravells, J. (2007, 2nd ed) Mentoring. Exeter: Learning Matters Ltd.
DfES (2005)
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